Free Printable Stations of the Cross Lenten Devotional Booklet to Color

Lent began on Ash Wednesday of the Catholic liturgical calendar and continues for 40 days up to Easter. We try to imitate Jesus with prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Help special needs children understand the Bible, Jesus and Christianity  better with a  free printable Stations of the Cross coloring book. Use this to guide prayers.

As a Catholic homeschooling family, we would draw images, one for each of the Station of the Cross. We hung them at different places in our home or yard to make our own Stations. The children would pray the Stations each Friday. The older children drew their own pictures,  but for younger children I used the Fr. Lovasik coloring book. Here is are several sets of free printable Stations of the Cross coloring pages. Print a booklet for CCD and religious education classes, Catholic school, homeschooling and family devotions.  Free Printable 'Stations of the Cross' Lenten Coloring Pages and Devotional Booklet

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